Terms of Service

Webold at HormoneHarmony care deeply about the privacy of our users. This Terms of Service document outlines what user data we collect, how we use it, who we share it with, and the rights users have over their data.

What user data we collect

When you sign up for an account on our site, we ask for basic contact information like your name, email address, and phone number. This allows us to provide our services to you and communicate with you as needed.

We also automatically collect certain technical information from all visitors to our site, whether they have an account or not. This includes data like your device's IP address, browser type, and information from cookies we use to recognize you and provide a better browsing experience.

Importantly, even though we are a hormone clinic, we do not collect any health or medical information from our users. We strive to protect sensitive user data at all times.

How we use user data

The contact information you provide is used solely to provide our services to you and to communicate with you. For example, we may email you helpful health tips tied to our services or notify you of changes to our Terms of Service.

The technical information we collect helps us understand how visitors use our site. It tells us which pages are visited most often so we can focus our efforts on popular content. It is aggregated statistical data that does not identify individuals.

Again, we do not collect or use any sensitive health data tied to our users.

Protect your privacy: read our Terms of Service.

Who we share user data with

We will never share your individual contact information or data with any third parties without your explicit consent, except as required to operate our services or when legally required.

For example, we use certain trusted third party services to process credit card transactions or assist with managing our email communications. These services need limited access to perform those tasks, but will not use your data for any other purpose. We vet these services carefully around data privacy.

The automatically collected technical information is shared with certain analytics services to help us understand website traffic patterns. This is non-identifiable aggregate statistical data.

Importantly, we never share identifiable user data with third parties for their own marketing or analytics purposes.

User rights

We aim to be fully transparent about our privacy practices and respect key user rights around personal data:

If you have additional questions around privacy or data usage, please contact our support team.

Overall, we make careful and conservative choices around user data. We collect only what is necessary to provide an exceptional service and user experience. Protecting privacy is paramount.

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